BURNHAM PARK relaxing tourist spots in Baguio City,Philippines

Burnham Park is a romantic site and a relaxing place where the local residents and tourist can spend moments with their loved ones. And one of the most tourist attraction in Baguio the Summer Capital of the Philippines. It was designed by Daniel Burnham and it was named after him. In the center of the Park there is a man-made lake located at the heart of the city where the tourist can rent a rowboats and spend time in the middle of the lake. The Park also features comprising Igorot Garden, Melvin Jones Grandstand, the Orchidarium, the Rose Garden, a playground for kids, a skating rink, the Athletic Bowl, a Picnic Grove, Pine Trees of the Philippines, Sunshine Park, the Japanese Peace Tower and a magnificent lake where the tourists would stay and visit. All families, tourists who visits the park spend time doing picnic, riding a bicycle for adults and children, watching football game. They also have a playground for children and a restaurants to eat. Sometimes they used this park for parades, carnivals, concerts, politically rally and display booths during special events and activities.
Burnham Park is considered to be the "mother of all parks" in Baguio City. The other noted landmarks and structures are constructed encircling this park. Aside from this park, Baguio City has several other public parks, such as Rizal Park, People's Park and Wright Park were the tourist could also visit. From Burnham Park, tourist could also walk up and down to Session Road.
All visitors or tourists in the city, their visit will not be complete if they will not passingby or stay in this beautiful park.


6:51 AM


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