Wright Park awesome tourist spot in Baguio City, Philippines

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Wright Park is an awesome tourist spot in the Philippines located in Baguio. One of the most visited tourist spots attraction in Baguio city the summer capital of the Philippines. It was named after the architect, Governor Luke E. Wright (who ordered architect Daniel Burnham to build Baguio as a recreational facility for American soldiers and civilians). Wright Park also known as the 'Pool of Pines' a shoal slendered rectangular man-made pool of water. Wright Park is located at the eastern part of baguio city and it is infront of the Mansion. Wright Park main features are the elongated rectangular body of water known as the "Pool of Pines" and the park circle which leads the tourist or visitors to a wide stairway going down to the place where you can enjoy horse back riding. All tourist or visitors adults or children preferred to Ride a horse or a pony when they passby here in the park and some of their families or friends stayed in a restaurants or sitting down on the side of park watching their loved ones while doing horse back riding. There are some horses or ponies that the tourists could be rented and taken more distant along South Drive, to the Mines View Park place or to Outlook Drive with an escort guide. It is advisable to be charged per hour when the tourist intend to rent and take out a horse or pony.
This place is usually crowded with tourists or people from other places in the Philippines during summer and even on holidays. At times here in Wright Park, tourist will see some Igorots dressed in their Philippine native attire and regalia who are willing to pose for a photograph and paiy for them in the cheapest price. Philippine Native handicrafts are also sold at the end of the man-made pool of the wright park by some of Igorot peddlers.
Aside from Burnham Park and Mines View Park, this awesome park is another relaxing and refreshing place to see in the city. It has different attractive features for the tourists or visitors and it is accessible to other tourist spot destinations like Mines View Park, the Mansion, the Botanical Garden and Baguio Cathedral.

3:53 PM


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